Finally i've make a decision to go water baptism in city harvest church!!!!..HAllelujah!!..The word 'baptize' means to fully immersed. why need to baptize because to fulfill all righteousness...
Based on bible, galatians 3:26-29 what happens to us after we are water baptized?
the answer is we have put on christ, we are one in christ and we became abraham's seed!!
TOday, I need wake up so early, around 5am then need go to prepare because van coming at 6am...OMG.....but never mind....i still can make it..but i feel abit nervous because 1st time to go, luckly i still have good buddies to sacrifice their time and willing wake up so early to accompany going to baptized!! SOME OF THEM CANT MAKE IT...but never mind la..i knw u all busy for prepare to test and convo!!!....
MY FAITH GO TO ANOTHER LEVEL..I know without takes action, my faith is dead! ..sometimes trouble may fail me....But GOD you never fail me...u never give up on me...Only you always strength on me...
Praise and worship time
Time to turn to me....the water is cold+heartbeat very fast+nervous=frailty